Smart Practice Management

Software for Smart GP Practices

Our intelligent EHR delivers increased practice revenues while also improving patient care.

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About Us

What is

Duneolas is the next leap forward in practice management software for GP practices.

At its core is something we like to call an intelligent electronic health record or IEHR. This improved data foundation facilitates a whole new level of intelligence to be embedded in the practice system. From day one, your staff will find that Duneolas helps them complete their workflows more efficiently and effectively. This increased output is due to a multitude of factors that we have incorporated into Duneolas but can be simplified down to our effort to ensure the correct information is always presented to the user at the optimal time. This coupled with the intuitive design and flow created by our world-class design team including domain experts (GPs, practice managers, nurses and reception staff) and engineering talent taken from top-tier firms like Apple produces a truly next-level practice management system.


Key Value Offerings

Business Intelligencecarret up
A major benefit of Duneolas will be its impact on the practice’s bottom line. Practice revenue will increase and costs will be capped or reduced as staff will be presented with the optimal information at each step of the patient journey. This will not only lead to practice workflows becoming more efficient across the board but, will also optimise each patient interaction leading to higher average revenues per visit. In summary general practice operational efficiency increases with Duneolas leading to more time for value-add activities.
Clinical Intelligencecarret down
The number of data points being collected around patients on a daily basis is increasing exponentially but due to the constraints of existing systems this data is not being put to good use. Duneolas is different - we have built a solution from the ground up utilizing cutting-edge infrastructure to enable much higher utility of the data collected. This will deliver improved clinical insights and reporting for GP practice staff leading to better patient interactions and care.
Great Designcarret down
A core goal in creating Duneolas has been to create a practice management solution that is actually a pleasure to use each day. We want the use of Duneolas to be stress relieving not stress-inducing and frustrating as has often been the case with legacy systems. We have made a conscious effort from the beginning to incorporate practice staff from doctors to receptionists in our design process. This ensures we get all the finer details right for every practice workflow and that our design is easy and intuitive to adopt for staff coming from older systems.
Cost Savingscarret down
The Duneolas solution will provide direct savings to practices across the board in comparison to existing systems. You will save not only on core license fees but also on the SMS and transaction fees which can add up to a significant proportion of your annual costs. There will be no hidden fees or fees on standard services like migration from legacy systems. Savings and increased revenue in year one of switching to Duneolas will be in the thousands of euros for even the smallest of practices.
Securitycarret down
Is a key component of any practice management system and you can rest assured with Duneolas it has been a central pillar in the building of our solution. We have taken great care to implement the highest standards when it comes to encryption and security protocols to ensure that your practice and patient data are always safe. In comparison to existing legacy
value offeringvalue offering
Tony Ryan

Tony Ryan

CEO of Duneolas


At Duneolas it is our view that the primary care software sector as a whole in Ireland has suffered massively from a lack of true competition. This dynamic has not been good for GP customers as software vendors are charging higher and higher prices but practices are not getting more value or innovative tools for the additional cost. We at Duneolas aim to reverse this trend by combining fantastic technical talent with amazing GP practice staff, to craft a new improved and modern practice management system for the Irish market. By leveraging modern technical advancements with great design (centred around practice staff) we believe Duneolas will not only be a pleasure to use for staff but, will also deliver greater efficiencies and revenue to the practice's bottom line. All of this at a price that beats out all existing competition on the market

Tony Ryan

CEO of Duneolas

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